Package 'WebGestaltR'

Title: Gene Set Analysis Toolkit WebGestaltR
Description: The web version WebGestalt <> supports 12 organisms, 354 gene identifiers and 321,251 function categories. Users can upload the data and functional categories with their own gene identifiers. In addition to the Over-Representation Analysis, WebGestalt also supports Gene Set Enrichment Analysis and Network Topology Analysis. The user-friendly output report allows interactive and efficient exploration of enrichment results. The WebGestaltR package not only supports all above functions but also can be integrated into other pipeline or simultaneously analyze multiple gene lists.
Authors: John Elizarraras [aut, cre], Jing Wang [aut], Yuxing Liao [aut], Eric Jaehnig [ctb], Zhiao Shi [ctb], Quanhu Sheng [ctb]
Maintainer: John Elizarraras <[email protected]>
License: LGPL
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-02-14 18:32:58 UTC

Help Index

Affinity Propagation


Use affinity propagation to cluster similar gene sets to reduce redundancy in report.


affinityPropagation(idsInSet, score)



A list of set names and their member IDs.


A vector of addible scores with the same length used to assign input preference; higher score has larger weight, i.e. -logP.


A list of clusters and representatives for each cluster.


A list of character vectors of set IDs in each cluster.


A character vector of representatives for each cluster.


Zhiao Shi, Yuxing Liao

Check Format and Read Data


Check Format and Read Data


formatCheck(dataType = "list", inputGeneFile = NULL, inputGene = NULL)



Type of data, either list, rnk or gmt. Could be list, rnk or matrix for idToSymbol.


The data file to be mapped.


Or the input could be given as an R object. GMT file should be read with readGmt.


A list of data frame

GO Slim Summary


Outputs a brief summary of input genes based on GO Slim data.


  organism = "hsapiens",
  outputType = "pdf",
  isOutput = TRUE,
  cache = NULL,
  hostName = ""



Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


A list of input genes.


Output file name.


File format of the plot: pdf, bmp or png.


Boolean if a plot is save to outputFile.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


A list of the summary result.

ID Mapping


ID mapping utility with WebGestalt server.


  organism = "hsapiens",
  dataType = "list",
  inputGeneFile = NULL,
  inputGene = NULL,
  targetIdType = NULL,
  collapseMethod = "mean",
  mappingOutput = FALSE,
  outputFileName = "",
  cache = NULL,
  hostName = ""

  organism = "hsapiens",
  dataType = "list",
  inputGeneFile = NULL,
  inputGene = NULL,
  sourceIdType = "ensembl_gene_id",
  collapseMethod = "mean",
  mappingOutput = FALSE,
  outputFileName = NULL,
  cache = NULL,
  hostName = ""



Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


Type of data, either list, rnk or gmt. Could be list, rnk or matrix for idToSymbol.


The data file to be mapped.


Or the input could be given as an R object. GMT file should be read with readGmt.


The ID type of the data.


The ID type of the mapped data.


The method to collapse duplicate IDs with scores. mean, median, min and max represent the mean, median, minimum and maximum of scores for the duplicate IDs.


Boolean if the mapping output is written to file.


The output file name.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


A list of mapped and unmapped IDs.

Jaccard Similarity


Calculate Jaccard Similarity.


jaccardSim(idsInSet, score)



A list of set names and their member IDs.


A vector of addible scores with the same length used to assign input preference; higher score has larger weight, i.e. -logP.


A list of similarity matrix sim.mat and input preference vector ip.vec.


Zhiao Shi, Yuxing Liao



kMedoid clustering


kMedoid(idsInSet, score, maxK = 10)



a list of sets of ids


a vector of scores for each set


maximum number of clusters

List WebGestalt Servers


List available WebGestalt servers.




A data frame of available servers.

List Gene Sets


List available gene sets for the given organism on WebGestalt server.


  organism = "hsapiens",
  hostName = "",
  cache = NULL



Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


A data frame of available gene sets.

List ID Types


List supported ID types for the given organism on WebGestalt server.


  organism = "hsapiens",
  hostName = "",
  cache = NULL



Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


A list of supported gene sets.

List Organisms


List supported organisms on WebGestalt server.


listOrganism(hostName = "", cache = NULL)



The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


A list of supported organisms.

List Reference Sets


List available reference sets for the given organism on WebGestalt server.


  organism = "hsapiens",
  hostName = "",
  cache = NULL



Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


A list of reference sets.

Load gene set data


Load gene set data


  organism = "hsapiens",
  enrichDatabase = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseFile = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseType = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile = NULL,
  cache = NULL,
  hostName = "",
  isMultiOmics = FALSE



Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


The functional categories for the enrichment analysis. Users can use the function listGeneSet to check the available functional databases for the selected organism. Multiple databases in a vector are supported for ORA and GSEA.


Users can provide one or more GMT files as the functional category for enrichment analysis. The extension of the file should be gmt and the first column of the file is the category ID, the second one is the external link for the category. Genes annotated to the category are from the third column. All columns are separated by tabs. The GMT files will be combined with enrichDatabase.


The ID type of the genes in the enrichDatabaseFile. If users set organism as others, users do not need to set this ID type because WebGestaltR will not perform ID mapping for other organisms. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType.


Users can also provide description files for the custom enrichDatabaseFile. The extension of the description file should be des. The description file contains two columns: the first column is the category ID that should be exactly the same as the category ID in the custom enrichDatabaseFile and the second column is the description of the category. All columns are separated by tabs.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


Boolean if loading gene sets for multiomics. Defaults to FALSE.


A list of geneSet, geneSetDes, geneSetDag, geneSetNet, standardId.


Gene set: A data frame with columns of "geneSet", "description", "genes"


Description: A data frame with columns of two columns of gene set ID and description


DAG: A edge list data frame of two columns of parent and child. Or a list of data frames if multilple databases are given.


Network: A edge list data frame of two columns connecting nodes. Or a list of data frames if multilple databases are given.


The standard ID of the gene set

Site Weighted Gene Set Enrichment Analysis


Performs site weighted gene set enrichment analysis or standard GSEA when likelihood/weight columns in input_df are 1 or 0, p=1, q=1 and thresh_type="val".


  thresh_type = "percentile",
  thresh = 0.9,
  thresh_action = "exclude",
  min_set_size = 10,
  max_set_size = 500,
  max_score = "max",
  min_score = "min",
  psuedocount = 0.001,
  perms = 1000,
  p = 1,
  q = 1,
  nThreads = 1,
  rng_seed = 1,
  fork = FALSE,
  fdrMethod = "BH"



A data frame in which first column is name of item of interest (gene, protein, phosphosite, etc.), the second is the correlation of that item of interest with the phenotype (typically log ratio of expression for phenotype vs. normal), and the remaining columns are the scores for the likelihood that the item belongs in each set (one column per set).


The type of thresh. Use 'percentile' to include all scores over that percentile given in thresh (i.e., 0.9 would be all items in 90th percentile, or top 10 percent); 'list' to include a list of set lists where the set lists are in the same order as the corresponding set columns in the input_df; 'val' to apply a single threshold value to all sets; or 'values' to use a vector of unique cutoffs for each set (needs to be in the same order as the sets are specified in the columns of input_df")


Depends on thresh_type. A list of lists of the items in each set (with same names as colnames of the scores); a numeric vector of threshold scores for each set (in the same order as the colnames of the scores in the input_df), or a single percentile value between 0 and 1 (i.e., if thresh=0.9, the 90th percentile of the score or the highest scoring 10 of of the items are included in the set for each scoring regimen) (thresh ="all" is not supported at this time, as it doesn't result in a Kolgorov-Smirnoff statistic; this may be worked in as an alternate scoring method later on).


Either "include", "exclude (default)", or "adjust"; this specifies how to treat each set if it doesn't contain a minimum number of items or contains all of the items; this option cannot be used with predefined lists of items in sets (if the number of items in a given set doesn't meet requirements, that set will be skipped).

min_set_size, max_set_size

The minimum/maximum number of items each set needs for the analysis to proceed.

max_score, min_score

A optional numeric vector of minimum/maximum boundaries to clip scores for each set.


Psuedocount (pc) is used for rescaling set scores: (score - min_score + pc)/(max_score - min_score +pc); this is needed to prevent division by 0 if max_score==min_score (in this case, all scores for items in set will be 1, which is equivalent to standard GSEA); it also allows users to adjust weights for scores that are close to the minimum for the scores in the set (unless min_score==max_score): as psuedocount value approaches 0, scaled minimum scores also approach 0; as psuedocount approaches infinity, scaled minimum scores approach the scaled maximum scores (which equal 1); this value must be larger than 0.


The number of permutations.


The exponential scaling factor of the phenotype score (second column in input_df).


The exponential scaling factor of the likelihood score (weights).


The number of threads to use in calculating permutaions.


Random seed.


A boolean. Whether pass "fork" to type parameter of makeCluster on Unix-like machines.


For the ORA method, WebGestaltR supports five FDR methods: holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH and BY. The default is BH.


The formula for weighting is as follows

sjqrjpsqrp\frac{s_{j}^{q}|r_{j}|^{p}}{\sum s^{q}|r|^{p}}

Where r is log ratio score, s is likelihood score, j is the index of the gene.


A list of Enrichment_Results, Items_in_Set and Running_Sums.


A data frame with row names of gene set and columns of "ES", "NES", "p_val", "fdr".


A list of one-column data frames. Describes genes and their ranks in each set.


Running sum scores along genes sorted by ranked scores, with gene sets as columns.


John Elizarraras

Prepare input for standard GSEA


A helper to read files for performing standard GSEA.


prepareGseaInput(rankFile, gmtFile)



Path of the rnk file


Path of the GMT file


a data frame to be used in swGsea

Prepare Input Matrix for GSEA


Prepare Input Matrix for GSEA


prepareInputMatrixGsea(rank, gmt)



A 2 column Data Frame of gene and score


3 column Data Frame of geneSet, description, and gene


A matrix used for input to swGsea.

Read GMT File


Read GMT File


readGmt(gmtFile, cache = NULL)



The file path or URL of the GMT file.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


A data frame with columns of "geneSet", "description", "gene".

Site Weighted Gene Set Enrichment Analysis


Performs site weighted gene set enrichment analysis or standard GSEA when likelihood/weight columns in input_df are 1 or 0, p=1, q=1 and thresh_type="val".


  thresh_type = "percentile",
  thresh = 0.9,
  thresh_action = "exclude",
  min_set_size = 10,
  max_set_size = 500,
  max_score = "max",
  min_score = "min",
  psuedocount = 0.001,
  perms = 1000,
  p = 1,
  q = 1,
  nThreads = 1,
  rng_seed = 1,
  fork = FALSE



A data frame in which first column is name of item of interest (gene, protein, phosphosite, etc.), the second is the correlation of that item of interest with the phenotype (typically log ratio of expression for phenotype vs. normal), and the remaining columns are the scores for the likelihood that the item belongs in each set (one column per set).


The type of thresh. Use 'percentile' to include all scores over that percentile given in thresh (i.e., 0.9 would be all items in 90th percentile, or top 10 percent); 'list' to include a list of set lists where the set lists are in the same order as the corresponding set columns in the input_df; 'val' to apply a single threshold value to all sets; or 'values' to use a vector of unique cutoffs for each set (needs to be in the same order as the sets are specified in the columns of input_df")


Depends on thresh_type. A list of lists of the items in each set (with same names as colnames of the scores); a numeric vector of threshold scores for each set (in the same order as the colnames of the scores in the input_df), or a single percentile value between 0 and 1 (i.e., if thresh=0.9, the 90th percentile of the score or the highest scoring 10 of of the items are included in the set for each scoring regimen) (thresh ="all" is not supported at this time, as it doesn't result in a Kolgorov-Smirnoff statistic; this may be worked in as an alternate scoring method later on).


Either "include", "exclude (default)", or "adjust"; this specifies how to treat each set if it doesn't contain a minimum number of items or contains all of the items; this option cannot be used with predefined lists of items in sets (if the number of items in a given set doesn't meet requirements, that set will be skipped).

min_set_size, max_set_size

The minimum/maximum number of items each set needs for the analysis to proceed.

max_score, min_score

A optional numeric vector of minimum/maximum boundaries to clip scores for each set.


Psuedocount (pc) is used for rescaling set scores: (score - min_score + pc)/(max_score - min_score +pc); this is needed to prevent division by 0 if max_score==min_score (in this case, all scores for items in set will be 1, which is equivalent to standard GSEA); it also allows users to adjust weights for scores that are close to the minimum for the scores in the set (unless min_score==max_score): as psuedocount value approaches 0, scaled minimum scores also approach 0; as psuedocount approaches infinity, scaled minimum scores approach the scaled maximum scores (which equal 1); this value must be larger than 0.


The number of permutations.


The exponential scaling factor of the phenotype score (second column in input_df).


The exponential scaling factor of the likelihood score (weights).


The number of threads to use in calculating permutaions.


Random seed.


A boolean. Whether pass "fork" to type parameter of makeCluster on Unix-like machines.


The formula for weighting is as follows

sjqrjpsqrp\frac{s_{j}^{q}|r_{j}|^{p}}{\sum s^{q}|r|^{p}}

Where r is log ratio score, s is likelihood score, j is the index of the gene.


A list of Enrichment_Results, Items_in_Set and Running_Sums.


A data frame with row names of gene set and columns of "ES", "NES", "p_val", "fdr".


A list of one-column data frames. Describes genes and their ranks in each set.


Running sum scores along genes sorted by ranked scores, with gene sets as columns.


Eric Jaehnig

WebGestaltR: The R interface for enrichment analysis with WebGestalt.


The web version WebGestalt supports 12 organisms, 354 gene identifiers and 321,251 function categories. Users can upload the data and functional categories with their own gene identifiers. In addition to the Over-Representation Analysis, WebGestalt also supports Gene Set Enrichment Analysis and Network Topology Analysis. The user-friendly output report allows interactive and efficient exploration of enrichment results. The WebGestaltR package not only supports all above functions but also can be integrated into other pipeline or simultaneously analyze multiple gene lists.

Main function for enrichment analysis


  enrichMethod = "ORA",
  organism = "hsapiens",
  enrichDatabase = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseFile = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseType = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile = NULL,
  interestGeneFile = NULL,
  interestGene = NULL,
  interestGeneType = NULL,
  interestGeneNames = NULL,
  collapseMethod = "mean",
  referenceGeneFile = NULL,
  referenceGene = NULL,
  referenceGeneType = NULL,
  referenceSet = NULL,
  minNum = 10,
  maxNum = 500,
  sigMethod = "fdr",
  fdrMethod = "BH",
  fdrThr = 0.05,
  topThr = 10,
  reportNum = 20,
  perNum = 1000,
  gseaP = 1,
  isOutput = TRUE,
  outputDirectory = getwd(),
  projectName = NULL,
  dagColor = "continuous",
  saveRawGseaResult = FALSE,
  gseaPlotFormat = c("png", "svg"),
  setCoverNum = 10,
  networkConstructionMethod = NULL,
  neighborNum = 10,
  highlightType = "Seeds",
  highlightSeedNum = 10,
  nThreads = 1,
  cache = NULL,
  hostName = "",
  useWeightedSetCover = FALSE,
  useAffinityPropagation = FALSE,
  usekMedoid = TRUE,
  kMedoid_k = 25,
  listName = NULL,

  interestGeneFolder = NULL,
  enrichMethod = "ORA",
  isParallel = FALSE,
  nThreads = 3,



Enrichment methods: ORA, GSEA or NTA.


Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


The functional categories for the enrichment analysis. Users can use the function listGeneSet to check the available functional databases for the selected organism. Multiple databases in a vector are supported for ORA and GSEA.


Users can provide one or more GMT files as the functional category for enrichment analysis. The extension of the file should be gmt and the first column of the file is the category ID, the second one is the external link for the category. Genes annotated to the category are from the third column. All columns are separated by tabs. The GMT files will be combined with enrichDatabase.


The ID type of the genes in the enrichDatabaseFile. If users set organism as others, users do not need to set this ID type because WebGestaltR will not perform ID mapping for other organisms. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType.


Users can also provide description files for the custom enrichDatabaseFile. The extension of the description file should be des. The description file contains two columns: the first column is the category ID that should be exactly the same as the category ID in the custom enrichDatabaseFile and the second column is the description of the category. All columns are separated by tabs.


If enrichMethod is ORA or NTA, the extension of the interestGeneFile should be txt and the file can only contain one column: the interesting gene list. If enrichMethod is GSEA, the extension of the interestGeneFile should be rnk and the file should contain two columns separated by tab: the gene list and the corresponding scores.


Users can also use an R object as the input. If enrichMethod is ORA or NTA, interestGene should be an R vector object containing the interesting gene list. If enrichMethod is GSEA, interestGene should be an R data.frame object containing two columns: the gene list and the corresponding scores.


The ID type of the interesting gene list. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType. If the organism is others, users do not need to set this parameter.


The names of the id lists for multiomics data.


The method to collapse duplicate IDs with scores. mean, median, min and max represent the mean, median, minimum and maximum of scores for the duplicate IDs.


For the ORA method, the users need to upload the reference gene list. The extension of the referenceGeneFile should be txt and the file can only contain one column: the reference gene list.


For the ORA method, users can also use an R object as the reference gene list. referenceGene should be an R vector object containing the reference gene list.


The ID type of the reference gene list. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType. If the organism is others, users do not need to set this parameter.


Users can directly select the reference set from existing platforms in WebGestaltR and do not need to provide the reference set through referenceGeneFile. All existing platforms supported in WebGestaltR can be found by the function listReferenceSet. If referenceGeneFile and refereneceGene are NULL, WebGestaltR will use the referenceSet as the reference gene set. Otherwise, WebGestaltR will use the user supplied reference set for enrichment analysis.


WebGestaltR will exclude the categories with the number of annotated genes less than minNum for enrichment analysis. The default is 10.


WebGestaltR will exclude the categories with the number of annotated genes larger than maxNum for enrichment analysis. The default is 500.


Two methods of significance are available in WebGestaltR: fdr and top. fdr means the enriched categories are identified based on the FDR and top means all categories are ranked based on FDR and then select top categories as the enriched categories. The default is fdr.


For the ORA method, WebGestaltR supports five FDR methods: holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH and BY. The default is BH.


The significant threshold for the fdr method. The default is 0.05.


The threshold for the top method. The default is 10.


The number of enriched categories visualized in the final report. The default is 20. A larger reportNum may be slow to render in the report.


The number of permutations for the GSEA method. The default is 1000.


The exponential scaling factor of the phenotype score. The default is 1. When p=0, ES reduces to standard K-S statistics (See original paper for more details).


If isOutput is TRUE, WebGestaltR will create a folder named by the projectName and save the results in the folder. Otherwise, WebGestaltR will only return an R data.frame object containing the enrichment results. If hundreds of gene list need to be analyzed simultaneously, it is better to set isOutput to FALSE. The default is TRUE.


The output directory for the results.


The name of the project. If projectName is NULL, WebGestaltR will use time stamp as the project name.


If dagColor is binary, the significant terms in the DAG structure will be colored by steel blue for ORA method or steel blue (positive related) and dark orange (negative related) for GSEA method. If dagColor is continous, the significant terms in the DAG structure will be colored by the color gradient based on corresponding FDRs.


Whether the raw result from GSEA is saved as a RDS file, which can be used for plotting. Defaults to FALSE. The list includes


A data frame of GSEA results with statistics


A matrix of running sum of scores for each gene set


A list with ranks of genes for each gene set


The graphic format of GSEA enrichment plots. Either svg, png, or c("png", "svg") (default).


The number of expected gene sets after set cover to reduce redundancy. It could get fewer sets if the coverage reaches 100%. The default is 10.


Netowrk construction method for NTA. Either Network_Retrieval_Prioritization or Network_Expansion. Network Retrieval & Prioritization first uses random walk analysis to calculate random walk probabilities for the input seeds, then identifies the relationships among the seeds in the selected network and returns a retrieval sub-network. The seeds with the top random walk probabilities are highlighted in the sub-network. Network Expansion first uses random walk analysis to rank all genes in the selected network based on their network proximity to the input seeds and then return an expanded sub-network in which nodes are the input seeds and their top ranking neighbors and edges represent their relationships.


The number of neighbors to include in NTA Network Expansion method.


The type of nodes to highlight in the NTA Network Expansion method, either Seeds or Neighbors.


The number of top input seeds to highlight in NTA Network Retrieval & Prioritizaiton method.


The number of cores to use for GSEA and set cover, and in batch function.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


Use weighted set cover for ORA. Defaults to TRUE.


Use affinity propagation for ORA. Defaults to FALSE.


Use k-medoid for ORA. Defaults to TRUE.


The number of clusters for k-medoid. Defaults to 25.


(optional) The names of the analyte list. Used to give the HTML title of the report. Defaults to NULL.


In batch function, passes parameters to WebGestaltR function. Also handles backward compatibility for some parameters in old versions.


Run WebGestaltR for gene list files in the folder.


If jobs are run parallelly in the batch.


WebGestaltR function can perform three enrichment analyses: ORA (Over-Representation Analysis) and GSEA (Gene Set Enrichment Analysis).and NTA (Network Topology Analysis). Based on the user-uploaded gene list or gene list with scores, WebGestaltR function will first map the gene list to the entrez gene ids and then summarize the gene list based on the GO (Gene Ontology) Slim. After performing the enrichment analysis, WebGestaltR function also returns a user-friendly HTML report containing GO Slim summary and the enrichment analysis result. If functional categories have DAG (directed acyclic graph) structure or genes in the functional categories have network structure, those relationship can also be visualized in the report.


The WebGestaltR function returns a data frame containing the enrichment analysis result and also outputs an user-friendly HTML report if isOutput is TRUE. The columns in the data frame depend on the enrichMethod and they are the following:


ID of the gene set.


Description of the gene set if available.


Link to the data source.


The number of genes in the set after filtering by minNum and maxNum.


The number of mapped input genes that are annotated in the gene set.


Expected number of input genes that are annotated in the gene set.


Enrichment ratio, overlap / expect.


Enrichment score, the maximum running sum of scores for the ranked list.


Normalized enrichment score, normalized against the average enrichment score of all permutations.


Number of genes/phosphosites in the leading edge.


P-value from hypergeometric test for ORA. For GSEA, please refer to its original publication or online at


Corrected P-value for mulilple testing with fdrMethod for ORA.


The gene/phosphosite IDs of overlap for ORA (entrez gene IDs or phosphosite sequence).


Genes/phosphosites in the leading edge in entrez gene ID or phosphosite sequence.


The gene/phosphosite IDs of overlap for ORA or leadingEdgeId for GSEA in User input IDs.


Path of the GSEA enrichment plot.


Name of the source database if multiple enrichment databases are given.


In NTA, like geneSet, the enriched GO terms of genes in the returned subnetwork.


In NTA, the gene IDs in the subnetwork with 0/1 annotations indicating if it is from user input.

The WebGestaltRBatch function returns a list of enrichment results.


Maintainer: John Elizarraras [email protected]


Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:


## Not run: 
####### ORA example #########
geneFile <- system.file("extdata", "interestingGenes.txt", package = "WebGestaltR")
refFile <- system.file("extdata", "referenceGenes.txt", package = "WebGestaltR")
outputDirectory <- getwd()
enrichResult <- WebGestaltR(
  enrichMethod = "ORA", organism = "hsapiens",
  enrichDatabase = "pathway_KEGG", interestGeneFile = geneFile,
  interestGeneType = "genesymbol", referenceGeneFile = refFile,
  referenceGeneType = "genesymbol", isOutput = TRUE,
  outputDirectory = outputDirectory, projectName = NULL

####### GSEA example #########
rankFile <- system.file("extdata", "GeneRankList.rnk", package = "WebGestaltR")
outputDirectory <- getwd()
enrichResult <- WebGestaltR(
  enrichMethod = "GSEA", organism = "hsapiens",
  enrichDatabase = "pathway_KEGG", interestGeneFile = rankFile,
  interestGeneType = "genesymbol", sigMethod = "top", topThr = 10, minNum = 5,
  outputDirectory = outputDirectory

####### NTA example #########
enrichResult <- WebGestaltR(
  enrichMethod = "NTA", organism = "hsapiens",
  enrichDatabase = "network_PPI_BIOGRID", interestGeneFile = geneFile,
  interestGeneType = "genesymbol", sigMethod = "top", topThr = 10,
  outputDirectory = getwd(), highlightSeedNum = 10,
  networkConstructionMethod = "Network_Retrieval_Prioritization"

## End(Not run)



Perform multi-omics analysis using WebGestaltR


  analyteLists = NULL,
  analyteListFiles = NULL,
  analyteTypes = NULL,
  enrichMethod = "ORA",
  organism = "hsapiens",
  enrichDatabase = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseFile = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseType = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile = NULL,
  collapseMethod = "mean",
  minNum = 10,
  maxNum = 500,
  fdrMethod = "BH",
  sigMethod = "fdr",
  fdrThr = 0.05,
  topThr = 10,
  reportNum = 100,
  setCoverNum = 10,
  perNum = 1000,
  gseaP = 1,
  isOutput = TRUE,
  outputDirectory = getwd(),
  projectName = NULL,
  dagColor = "binary",
  saveRawGseaResult = FALSE,
  gseaPlotFormat = "png",
  nThreads = 1,
  cache = NULL,
  hostName = "",
  useWeightedSetCover = TRUE,
  useAffinityPropagation = FALSE,
  usekMedoid = FALSE,
  kMedoid_k = 25,
  isMetaAnalysis = TRUE,
  mergeMethod = "mean",
  normalizationMethod = "rank",
  referenceLists = NULL,
  referenceListFiles = NULL,
  referenceTypes = NULL,
  referenceSets = NULL,
  listNames = NULL



vector of the ID type of the corresponding interesting analyte list. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType. If the organism is others, users do not need to set this parameter. The length of analyteLists should be the same as the length of analyteListFiles or analyteLists.


If enrichMethod is ORA, the extension of the analyteListFiles should be txt and each file can only contain one column: the interesting analyte list. If enrichMethod is GSEA, the extension of the analyteListFiles should be rnk and the files should contain two columns separated by tab: the analyte list and the corresponding scores.


a vector containing the ID types of the analyte lists.


Enrichment methods: ORAor GSEA.


Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


The functional categories for the enrichment analysis. Users can use the function listGeneSet to check the available functional databases for the selected organism. Multiple databases in a vector are supported for ORA and GSEA.


Users can provide one or more GMT files as the functional category for enrichment analysis. The extension of the file should be gmt and the first column of the file is the category ID, the second one is the external link for the category. Genes annotated to the category are from the third column. All columns are separated by tabs. The GMT files will be combined with enrichDatabase.


The ID type of the genes in the enrichDatabaseFile. If users set organism as others, users do not need to set this ID type because WebGestaltR will not perform ID mapping for other organisms. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType.


Users can also provide description files for the custom enrichDatabaseFile. The extension of the description file should be des. The description file contains two columns: the first column is the category ID that should be exactly the same as the category ID in the custom enrichDatabaseFile and the second column is the description of the category. All columns are separated by tabs.


The method to collapse duplicate IDs with scores. mean, median, min and max represent the mean, median, minimum and maximum of scores for the duplicate IDs.


WebGestaltR will exclude the categories with the number of annotated genes less than minNum for enrichment analysis. The default is 10.


WebGestaltR will exclude the categories with the number of annotated genes larger than maxNum for enrichment analysis. The default is 500.


For the ORA method, WebGestaltR supports five FDR methods: holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH and BY. The default is BH.


Two methods of significance are available in WebGestaltR: fdr and top. fdr means the enriched categories are identified based on the FDR and top means all categories are ranked based on FDR and then select top categories as the enriched categories. The default is fdr.


The significant threshold for the fdr method. The default is 0.05.


The threshold for the top method. The default is 10.


The number of enriched categories visualized in the final report. The default is 20. A larger reportNum may be slow to render in the report.


The number of expected gene sets after set cover to reduce redundancy. It could get fewer sets if the coverage reaches 100%. The default is 10.


The number of permutations for the GSEA method. The default is 1000.


The exponential scaling factor of the phenotype score. The default is 1. When p=0, ES reduces to standard K-S statistics (See original paper for more details).


If isOutput is TRUE, WebGestaltR will create a folder named by the projectName and save the results in the folder. Otherwise, WebGestaltR will only return an R data.frame object containing the enrichment results. If hundreds of gene list need to be analyzed simultaneously, it is better to set isOutput to FALSE. The default is TRUE.


The output directory for the results.


The name of the project. If projectName is NULL, WebGestaltR will use time stamp as the project name.


If dagColor is binary, the significant terms in the DAG structure will be colored by steel blue for ORA method or steel blue (positive related) and dark orange (negative related) for GSEA method. If dagColor is continous, the significant terms in the DAG structure will be colored by the color gradient based on corresponding FDRs.


Whether the raw result from GSEA is saved as a RDS file, which can be used for plotting. Defaults to FALSE. The list includes


A data frame of GSEA results with statistics


A matrix of running sum of scores for each gene set


A list with ranks of genes for each gene set


The graphic format of GSEA enrichment plots. Either svg, png, or c("png", "svg") (default).


The number of cores to use for GSEA and set cover, and in batch function.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


Use weighted set cover for ORA. Defaults to TRUE.


Use affinity propagation for ORA. Defaults to FALSE.


Use k-medoid for ORA. Defaults to TRUE.


The number of clusters for k-medoid. Defaults to 25.


whether to perform meta-analysis. Defaults to TRUE. FALSE is not currently implemented.


The method to merge the results from multiple omics (options: mean, max). Only used if isMetaAnalysis = FALSE. Defaults to mean.


The method to normalize the results from multiple omics (options: rank, median, mean). Only used if isMetaAnalysis = FALSE.


For the ORA method, users can also use an R object as the reference gene list. referenceLists should be an R vector object containing the reference gene list.


For the ORA method, the users need to upload the reference gene list. The extension of the referenceListFile should be txt and the file can only contain one column: the reference gene list.


Vector of the ID types of the reference lists. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType. If the organism is others, users do not need to set this parameter.


Users can directly select the reference sets from existing platforms in WebGestaltR and do not need to provide the reference set through referenceListFiles. All existing platforms supported in WebGestaltR can be found by the function listReferenceSets. If referenceListFiles and refereneceLists are NULL, WebGestaltR will use the referenceSets as the reference analyte sets. Otherwise, WebGestaltR will use the user supplied reference set for enrichment analysis. Must be a vector with length matching the input analyte list (i.e. c('genome', 'genome', 'KEGG'))


The names of the analyte lists.

Multi-omics GSEA importFrom dplyr bind_rows left_join arrange select desc importFrom readr write_tsv


Multi-omics GSEA importFrom dplyr bind_rows left_join arrange select desc importFrom readr write_tsv


  analyteLists = NULL,
  analyteListFiles = NULL,
  analyteTypes = NULL,
  enrichMethod = "GSEA",
  organism = "hsapiens",
  enrichDatabase = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseFile = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseType = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile = NULL,
  collapseMethod = "mean",
  minNum = 10,
  maxNum = 500,
  fdrMethod = "BH",
  sigMethod = "fdr",
  fdrThr = 0.05,
  topThr = 10,
  reportNum = 100,
  setCoverNum = 10,
  perNum = 1000,
  gseaP = 1,
  isOutput = TRUE,
  outputDirectory = getwd(),
  projectName = NULL,
  dagColor = "binary",
  saveRawGseaResult = FALSE,
  gseaPlotFormat = "png",
  nThreads = 1,
  cache = NULL,
  hostName = "",
  useWeightedSetCover = TRUE,
  useAffinityPropagation = FALSE,
  usekMedoid = FALSE,
  kMedoid_k = 25,
  isMetaAnalysis = TRUE,
  mergeMethod = "mean",
  normalizationMethod = "rank",
  listNames = NULL



vector of the ID type of the corresponding interesting analyte list. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType. If the organism is others, users do not need to set this parameter. The length of analyteLists should be the same as the length of analyteListFiles or analyteLists.


If enrichMethod is ORA, the extension of the analyteListFiles should be txt and each file can only contain one column: the interesting analyte list. If enrichMethod is GSEA, the extension of the analyteListFiles should be rnk and the files should contain two columns separated by tab: the analyte list and the corresponding scores.


a vector containing the ID types of the analyte lists.


Enrichment methods: ORAor GSEA.


Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


The functional categories for the enrichment analysis. Users can use the function listGeneSet to check the available functional databases for the selected organism. Multiple databases in a vector are supported for ORA and GSEA.


Users can provide one or more GMT files as the functional category for enrichment analysis. The extension of the file should be gmt and the first column of the file is the category ID, the second one is the external link for the category. Genes annotated to the category are from the third column. All columns are separated by tabs. The GMT files will be combined with enrichDatabase.


The ID type of the genes in the enrichDatabaseFile. If users set organism as others, users do not need to set this ID type because WebGestaltR will not perform ID mapping for other organisms. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType.


Users can also provide description files for the custom enrichDatabaseFile. The extension of the description file should be des. The description file contains two columns: the first column is the category ID that should be exactly the same as the category ID in the custom enrichDatabaseFile and the second column is the description of the category. All columns are separated by tabs.


The method to collapse duplicate IDs with scores. mean, median, min and max represent the mean, median, minimum and maximum of scores for the duplicate IDs.


WebGestaltR will exclude the categories with the number of annotated genes less than minNum for enrichment analysis. The default is 10.


WebGestaltR will exclude the categories with the number of annotated genes larger than maxNum for enrichment analysis. The default is 500.


For the ORA method, WebGestaltR supports five FDR methods: holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH and BY. The default is BH.


Two methods of significance are available in WebGestaltR: fdr and top. fdr means the enriched categories are identified based on the FDR and top means all categories are ranked based on FDR and then select top categories as the enriched categories. The default is fdr.


The significant threshold for the fdr method. The default is 0.05.


The threshold for the top method. The default is 10.


The number of enriched categories visualized in the final report. The default is 20. A larger reportNum may be slow to render in the report.


The number of expected gene sets after set cover to reduce redundancy. It could get fewer sets if the coverage reaches 100%. The default is 10.


The number of permutations for the GSEA method. The default is 1000.


The exponential scaling factor of the phenotype score. The default is 1. When p=0, ES reduces to standard K-S statistics (See original paper for more details).


If isOutput is TRUE, WebGestaltR will create a folder named by the projectName and save the results in the folder. Otherwise, WebGestaltR will only return an R data.frame object containing the enrichment results. If hundreds of gene list need to be analyzed simultaneously, it is better to set isOutput to FALSE. The default is TRUE.


The output directory for the results.


The name of the project. If projectName is NULL, WebGestaltR will use time stamp as the project name.


If dagColor is binary, the significant terms in the DAG structure will be colored by steel blue for ORA method or steel blue (positive related) and dark orange (negative related) for GSEA method. If dagColor is continous, the significant terms in the DAG structure will be colored by the color gradient based on corresponding FDRs.


Whether the raw result from GSEA is saved as a RDS file, which can be used for plotting. Defaults to FALSE. The list includes


A data frame of GSEA results with statistics


A matrix of running sum of scores for each gene set


A list with ranks of genes for each gene set


The graphic format of GSEA enrichment plots. Either svg, png, or c("png", "svg") (default).


The number of cores to use for GSEA and set cover, and in batch function.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


Use weighted set cover for ORA. Defaults to TRUE.


Use affinity propagation for ORA. Defaults to FALSE.


Use k-medoid for ORA. Defaults to TRUE.


The number of clusters for k-medoid. Defaults to 25.


whether to perform meta-analysis. Defaults to TRUE. FALSE is not currently implemented.


The method to merge the results from multiple omics (options: mean, max). Only used if isMetaAnalysis = FALSE. Defaults to mean.


The method to normalize the results from multiple omics (options: rank, median, mean). Only used if isMetaAnalysis = FALSE.


The names of the analyte lists.

Multi-omics ORA importFrom dplyr bind_rows left_join arrange select desc importFrom readr write_tsv


Multi-omics ORA importFrom dplyr bind_rows left_join arrange select desc importFrom readr write_tsv


  analyteLists = NULL,
  analyteListFiles = NULL,
  analyteTypes = NULL,
  enrichMethod = "ORA",
  organism = "hsapiens",
  enrichDatabase = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseFile = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseType = NULL,
  enrichDatabaseDescriptionFile = NULL,
  collapseMethod = "mean",
  minNum = 10,
  maxNum = 500,
  fdrMethod = "BH",
  sigMethod = "fdr",
  fdrThr = 0.05,
  topThr = 10,
  reportNum = 100,
  setCoverNum = 10,
  perNum = 1000,
  gseaP = 1,
  isOutput = TRUE,
  outputDirectory = getwd(),
  projectName = NULL,
  dagColor = "binary",
  nThreads = 1,
  cache = NULL,
  hostName = "",
  useWeightedSetCover = TRUE,
  useAffinityPropagation = FALSE,
  usekMedoid = FALSE,
  kMedoid_k = 25,
  referenceLists = NULL,
  referenceListFiles = NULL,
  referenceTypes = NULL,
  referenceSets = NULL,
  listNames = NULL



vector of the ID type of the corresponding interesting analyte list. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType. If the organism is others, users do not need to set this parameter. The length of analyteLists should be the same as the length of analyteListFiles or analyteLists.


If enrichMethod is ORA, the extension of the analyteListFiles should be txt and each file can only contain one column: the interesting analyte list. If enrichMethod is GSEA, the extension of the analyteListFiles should be rnk and the files should contain two columns separated by tab: the analyte list and the corresponding scores.


a vector containing the ID types of the analyte lists.


Enrichment methods: ORAor GSEA.


Currently, WebGestaltR supports 12 organisms. Users can use the function listOrganism to check available organisms. Users can also input others to perform the enrichment analysis for other organisms not supported by WebGestaltR. For other organisms, users need to provide the functional categories, interesting list and reference list (for ORA method). Because WebGestaltR does not perform the ID mapping for the other organisms, the above data should have the same ID type.


The functional categories for the enrichment analysis. Users can use the function listGeneSet to check the available functional databases for the selected organism. Multiple databases in a vector are supported for ORA and GSEA.


Users can provide one or more GMT files as the functional category for enrichment analysis. The extension of the file should be gmt and the first column of the file is the category ID, the second one is the external link for the category. Genes annotated to the category are from the third column. All columns are separated by tabs. The GMT files will be combined with enrichDatabase.


The ID type of the genes in the enrichDatabaseFile. If users set organism as others, users do not need to set this ID type because WebGestaltR will not perform ID mapping for other organisms. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType.


Users can also provide description files for the custom enrichDatabaseFile. The extension of the description file should be des. The description file contains two columns: the first column is the category ID that should be exactly the same as the category ID in the custom enrichDatabaseFile and the second column is the description of the category. All columns are separated by tabs.


The method to collapse duplicate IDs with scores. mean, median, min and max represent the mean, median, minimum and maximum of scores for the duplicate IDs.


WebGestaltR will exclude the categories with the number of annotated genes less than minNum for enrichment analysis. The default is 10.


WebGestaltR will exclude the categories with the number of annotated genes larger than maxNum for enrichment analysis. The default is 500.


For the ORA method, WebGestaltR supports five FDR methods: holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH and BY. The default is BH.


Two methods of significance are available in WebGestaltR: fdr and top. fdr means the enriched categories are identified based on the FDR and top means all categories are ranked based on FDR and then select top categories as the enriched categories. The default is fdr.


The significant threshold for the fdr method. The default is 0.05.


The threshold for the top method. The default is 10.


The number of enriched categories visualized in the final report. The default is 20. A larger reportNum may be slow to render in the report.


The number of expected gene sets after set cover to reduce redundancy. It could get fewer sets if the coverage reaches 100%. The default is 10.


The number of permutations for the GSEA method. The default is 1000.


The exponential scaling factor of the phenotype score. The default is 1. When p=0, ES reduces to standard K-S statistics (See original paper for more details).


If isOutput is TRUE, WebGestaltR will create a folder named by the projectName and save the results in the folder. Otherwise, WebGestaltR will only return an R data.frame object containing the enrichment results. If hundreds of gene list need to be analyzed simultaneously, it is better to set isOutput to FALSE. The default is TRUE.


The output directory for the results.


The name of the project. If projectName is NULL, WebGestaltR will use time stamp as the project name.


If dagColor is binary, the significant terms in the DAG structure will be colored by steel blue for ORA method or steel blue (positive related) and dark orange (negative related) for GSEA method. If dagColor is continous, the significant terms in the DAG structure will be colored by the color gradient based on corresponding FDRs.


The number of cores to use for GSEA and set cover, and in batch function.


A directory to save data cache for reuse. Defaults to NULL and disabled.


The server URL for accessing data. Mostly for development purposes.


Use weighted set cover for ORA. Defaults to TRUE.


Use affinity propagation for ORA. Defaults to FALSE.


Use k-medoid for ORA. Defaults to TRUE.


The number of clusters for k-medoid. Defaults to 25.


For the ORA method, users can also use an R object as the reference gene list. referenceLists should be an R vector object containing the reference gene list.


For the ORA method, the users need to upload the reference gene list. The extension of the referenceListFile should be txt and the file can only contain one column: the reference gene list.


Vector of the ID types of the reference lists. The supported ID types of WebGestaltR for the selected organism can be found by the function listIdType. If the organism is others, users do not need to set this parameter.


Users can directly select the reference sets from existing platforms in WebGestaltR and do not need to provide the reference set through referenceListFiles. All existing platforms supported in WebGestaltR can be found by the function listReferenceSets. If referenceListFiles and refereneceLists are NULL, WebGestaltR will use the referenceSets as the reference analyte sets. Otherwise, WebGestaltR will use the user supplied reference set for enrichment analysis. Must be a vector with length matching the input analyte list (i.e. c('genome', 'genome', 'KEGG'))


The names of the analyte lists.

Weighted Set Cover


Size constrained weighted set cover problem to find top N sets while maximizing the coverage of all elements.


weightedSetCover(idsInSet, costs, topN, nThreads = 4)



A list of set names and their member IDs.


A vector of the same length to add weights for penalty, i.e. 1/-logP.


The number of sets (or less when it completes early) to return.


The number of processes to use. In Windows, it fallbacks to 1.


A list of topSets and coverage.


A list of set IDs.


The percentage of IDs covered in the top sets.


Zhiao Shi, Yuxing Liao